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As a passionate Coach, Consultant, Mentor & Trainer, I’m committed to work with you to achieve your goals. 

During 25 years' of experience working in the UK and worldwide, I've had the pleasure to work with so many amazing people, in a really wide variety of settings. 

Working 1:1 and with groups, my clients have been diverse, however they all share in a desire to be at their best and to enjoy the journey!

My techniques are tailored to suit each client, group or business, connecting with you online and/or in person to get the results! 

With a life-long passion for learning strategies and communication, I'm a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming having first trained with Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP) in the 1990s, a certified Voice Trainer wonderfully mentored by my (late) mother Laura Spicer with whom I worked for many years and trained in all 'Spicer' methods, and have also spent much time as an EFL/FL (English/Foreign Language) Coach,  Learning Journey Mentor and Consultant in all areas of business comms.

Purposeful and pleasurable, my sessions are designed to give you all you need to feel comfortable, confident and competent, whether in your private or professional life.

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I’m Jasmine Spicer





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Jasmine is a wonderful coach! She always brings new methods into play and tailors her sessions to fit. Just right!

Elena (Designer & expat)


It is a great pleasure to work with Jasmine.  She is articulate, insightful and always approachable. Her change work is the best there is.

Omar S (Lawyer)


Jasmine is so nice.  She helped me with my learning journey and we had fun.

C.R (age 10)


Thorough and great fun to work with!

Mark B


Jasmine is unique in her approach and so caring.  She is creative and fun to the utmost and helped us master super new skills!  She's got a lot of tricks up her sleeve

Raquel (Nursery Office Manager)

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